Site Kvandal in Northern Norway market ready

Narvik municipality recently finished the zoning of Site Kvandal. The ~25 ha site is located in Bjerkvik, 12 minutes from Narvik city centre.
The location close to one of the largest central grid transformers in Northern Norway provides large capacity, (130 MW (n-1) and 200 MW (n-0)), and high reliability on power supply. Nordkraft has also applied for and received its own grid license for the site, which lowers the grid cost.
- This, together with the zoning of the fairly flat area, makes Kvandal a unique and ready-to-build site, says Jon Ingebrigtsen, CEO Norkdraft DC.
The redundant fiber access with international dark fiber, makes the site well suited for data centers. There is no large settlement next to the site, and Nordkraft has a good cooperation with the landowners.
- We are ready to be a facilitating partner within regional, power and site-specific matters. All our partner has to do is to build, plug and play. Nordkraft DC have both development competence and power market expertise, and offers operational services as well, he explains.
Nordkraft DC develops sites for data centers and other power intensive industries in Northern Norway. The region’s 100 % green energy and lowest future power prices in the Nordics is a well-kept secret in the market, as neighbor Northern Sweden has been earlier with its commitment to these industries.